Blues of the Soul

Monoprints, gouache and collages
Back side - monoprints and gold leaf
9 x 3 ft. - 275 x 91 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Monoprints, gouache and gold leaf
37 x 27 in. - 94 x 69 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Monoprints installation
88 x 36 inches - 224 x 91 cm
Made up of small 3” x 3” monoprints (on different types of paper including recycled and Asian) glued together to create long strips.

Woven monoprints.
44 x 34 in. - 112 x 86 cm

Details - Woven monoprints.

Woven monoprints.
44 x 34 in. - 112 x 86 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Details - Woven monoprints.

Woven recycling papers, collage, printmaking ink and cotton thread
- 15.25 x 11 in. - 39 × 28 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Woven monoprints.
88 x 34 in. - 224 x 86 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Woven monoprints.
44 x 34 in. - 112 x 86 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Front side and details
Woven monoprints, gouache and gold leaf
54 × 44 inches

Back side
Woven monoprints, gouache and gold leaf
54 × 44 inches

Woven recycling paper and monoprints, printmaking ouil based ink and cotton thread
- 27.5 x 19.5 in. - 70 × 50 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Monoprints and gold leaf
16 × 10 inches - 40 × 26 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Front side
Monopints onto non woven fabric, recycled paper, silver thread and cotton stitching.
60 x 44 inches - 153 x 112 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery


Back side
Monopints onto non woven fabric, recycled paper and silver thread
60 x 44 inches - 153 x 112 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Monoprint onto Japanese Kitikata paper
- 22 x 15.5 in. - 56 × 39 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Woven relief prints and cotton thread
15.25 x 11 inches

Woven relief prints and cotton thread
15.25 x 11 inches

Woven monoprints, silver leaf and cotton thread
16 × 11 inches - 40 × 28 cm

- Monoprint onto Kitikata Japanese paper, pins and cotton thread
- 17.25 x 13 inches - 44 x 33 cm

Woven recucling papers and monoprints, cotton thread and printmaking ink
15.5 x 12 inches - 39 × 30 cm
Available with Chimaera Gallery

Woven recycling papers, printmaking ink and cotton thread
- 15.25 x 11 in. - 39 × 28 cm

Woven monoprints, silver leaf and cotton thread
15.5 × 11 inches -39 × 28 cm

Woven monoprints, cotton thread, silver leaf and pins - 10 x 9.5 inches

Installation of 50 panels, 5 x 4 in.
Monoprints collages onto foam board, pins and gold thread
62 x 25 inches - 158 x 64 cm
Not available

1 panel - 5 x 4 inches,13 × 10 cm
Monoprints collages onto foam board, pins and gold thread